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Monday, March 15, 2010

Whose Wedding Is It Anyway?

Keeping Control of Your Planning From the VERY Beginning...

CELEBRATE! After you are engaged, it's time to celebrate!  Don't run out to a dress shop OR find the perfect reception location.  Enjoy your time and take a moment to enjoy the engagement.  If you just can't stand it, change your status on FACEBOOK and go out and buy every bridal magazine available.

GET EVERYONE INVOLVED.  Set a budget and stick to it.  Once the budget has been established, now is a good time to go out and hire a wedding planner (we can recommend a good one!) and searching for the perfect ceremony/reception venue.  But STOP, first have all financial participants (mom, dad, groom, bride, etc.) attend those very "must have" meetings.  Wedding Planner, Catering Venue, Photographer, Videographer: appointments are a must!

BE ORGANIZED.  Once you start signing contracts, take a moment and get organized.  At M. Elizabeth Weddings & Events, we give each of our clients a lovely 3-ring notebook in order to keep contracts and other financial documents organized.  Carry it with you everywhere you go.  Set up a separate checking account just for wedding expenses.  Set up an easy to understand excel spreadsheet for everyone to use throughout the payment process.  

GET CREATIVE.  This is your time to shine with your creative ideas.  If you're NOT creative, find someone who is: your favorite aunt, your mom, your best friend, or anyone who has a Martha hand.  Get them on board, and ask them to help you create those fun, fancy menu cards, favor boxes, and other fun items to make your wedding memorable.  Ask your bridesmaids over for an invitation STUFFING PARTY and buy all the junk food you can stand.  Stuff yourselves silly.  Get them involved too!


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